Billy Roderick passed away October 9, 2022
Sam (Sonny) Roderick passed away November 2, 2022
Don(Sam) wrote this about his dad.
That's odd - Dad (Sam) had to have his name changed on his birth certificate, it was filed as Leroy Packer.
There has to be something more to that story.
Phillip Packer II (our Great Great ...Great Grandfather Camden New Jersey
Our Eastern Canada tour September 2022
Mabel passed away July 22, 2020 at 100 years old Click to watch Her service.
Slide Show
More Information
Elijah Warr(Bill/Bill/Max) was married to Lauren Heflin on 20 June 2020.
Mabel's party was a Zoom meeting. Click here to see the video.

Sam (Sonny) Roderick suffered a stroke Wed. Feb. 5, 2020

2019 Reunion

Feb 2019

New Photos
May 2019
More information from Sharla (Sam[Sonny]/Mabel) about Grandpa Sam Warr's death.
Jan 2019
 Rod "promises" to be in the
Dec. conference
Dec 2018
 Joe junior's service
Dec 2018
 "Califerno" has affected Brent
(Joe/Nick) Nov 2018
 Emails about Peggy's birthday Freddie, Fran and Jennifer
 Preston (Joe/Barry/Brenda) Eagle Scout project
Preston Eagle (GofundMe page)
Reunion 2019
Was a great success.
Freddie Mae (Mae)
2019 pictures and videos
Looking forward to 2021!
We think there are very few Americans with the name Warr.
People look twice, want to spell it with one "r" or jump to the
conclusion that it is "Ware" or "Ward". There is a city named
Warr Acres in Oklahoma and a quick Google of the name reveals
Warrs in every profession from doctor to professor, to writer, to
hockey player and more.
More than 40,000 Americans with the surname "Warr" died between 1940 and 2014, so we are not really so alone.
This is interesting to me (geneology) I like numbers.
We are descendent from John Alden and Priscilla Mullins who arrived in America on the Mayflower in 1620. They had 10 children
who had ==> 13 14 7 ? 6 8 7 1 9 6 to average 7.75 children each
generation children descendents
- 1620 10 10
- 1660 7.8 78
- 1700 7.1 550
- 1740 6.6 3,665 There are millions of Americans
- 1780 5.5 20,412 who can claim this cute couple
- 1820 4.4 91,447 as great, great, great... s.
- 1860 3.3 310,004;
- 1900 2.3 713,009 I still think it's kind of cool.
- 1940 1.7 1,247,766
- 1980 1.7 2,183,590 We are also descendent of William the
- 2018 1.7 3,821,283 Conquerer and Pocahontas.
When John proposed for Miles Standish, Pricilla said, "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?."
It's a good thing! Otherwise we'd have all been 5-2 like Captain Shrimpe.
(Thomas Morton of Merrymount called Standish that rude name.)
More about Morton and Standish
WRAGS - Joseph Warr's 1959-60 project
What Dennis said about WRAGS and the Frisbie
Freddie said, "I remember the deal about the Frisby. Lol...
I remember sitting close to the radio so I could hear uncle Joe when I was little doing the Marshfield games.
Read about Freddie's dream of "Sunday Supper"
If you have a suggestion email to I'll be glad to respond
to any questions about Kadakas IV or any of my short stories (above)
Fran said, "Collecting family stories is a draw for me."

Frances M. Warr Scholarship Fund
All of the allocated funds have been disbursed. The committee will accept no more applications.(Oct2018)

Joshua Warr continues his great US Air Force career. In addition, he is back in Texas Aug 2018

Sam (Sonny) Rodrick and I attended our 60th Marshfield High Reunion August 10-12, 2018.
 Joe Warr Jr. tribute and ceremony. Aug 2008
 I am number one pole vaulter in the world. June 2018
Joseph Packer Warr Jr. (Joe) passed away on May 12, 2018 in Salt Lake City
Peggy passed away peacefully on March 16th in Hermosa Beach, CA, 2018.
Chuck (Ric) sent me some great photos from 1967.
Ken (Steve/Joe) passed away Friday May 22, 2015.
WARR/RODERICK/FULTZ FAMILY REUNION is set for JULY 16 through 19, 2015...
WEST LAVERNE Camp ground Coquille, Oregon
Wanda Warr passed away December 15, 2013.
Sophie (Joe/Nick/Brent) born September 21, 2013
Suzanne Crowe (Ric) passed away Friday February 17, 2012.
Photo of Sam and Ric from Chuck
Sam Warr passed away today September 17, 2011.
I got second place in the pole vault June 24 in the
National Senior Olympics.
I will compete for the world championship July 15 in Sacramento.
Dorothy (Joe) passed away May 25, 2011. |
Funeral set for Thursday June 2 in Eugene, Oregon
WARR FAMILY REUNION is set for JULY 15 AND 16, 2011...
WEST LAVERN Camp ground Coquille, Oregon
I have a chance to break the American record in
pole vault, Jan 29. Come to Reno to gamble... er, watch pole vault. Videos.
Bonnie and Max Warr�s granddaughter Scheryl Warr. Pics for Warr Path Family Website.
Joshua(Sam/Don) is attending the Defense Language
Institute at The Presidio of Monterey in California.
 Dennis (Joe) gave me this great photo!
Brittany (Joe/Barry/Scott) has graduated from College Oregon State. OSU our hats are off to you!
Lots More military info from Rod(Max)
More military update from Rod(Max)
More military update from Freddie Mae (Mae)
Military update from Susie Miller
Here's all I know about Warrs in the military and some may be incorrect. Send corrections and updates.
Joshua (Don/Sam) graduated from Air Force boot camp.
Don (Sam) got an inspiration that I think is great!
I'll be adding my info in a couple of days.
Judy Annison's (Mabel) daughter, Becky was killed in a horrible accident.
Mabel's 90th Birthday. Party May 22, 2009, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Orchard Crest Retirement, 222 S. Evergreen, Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Dick Juell, Shirley's (Mabel) husband died.
Eve Rose Hamilton (Joe/Barry/Brenda/Belize),
Joe's first great-great grandchild, was born last night. Is she the first of that generation?
Do you believe Barry is a (he won't let me say it!)
Merry Christmas from WarrPath "Snow for Christmas" by Joe Jr.
Belize (Joe/Barry/Brenda) is pregnant.
Photos from Jennifer (Max)
My son Ken(Joe/Steve) is suffering great pain and has been in and out of the hospital.
Dorothy (Joe)
is having medical difficulties. Dennis (Joe) has created a blog.2009
Good news! (finally) Sheryl(Max) is getting married
Brenda's (Joe/Barry) blog
Belize's (Joe/Barry/Brenda) blog
Max Memorial January 18.
Reunion 09 same place July 17 and 18
Max passed away December 29.
  Scott(Barry/Joe) wife Paula passed away and Scott suffered a stroke.
Max is in ICU with pneumonia
Mail from Brenda(Barry/Joe). Jean Palmer passed away.
Info about Peggy's 80th bday from Tiffany (Shirley/Mabel)
Family update from Scheryl (Max) Harder
Charlene (Ric's first wife) passed away from cancer.
Her obituary
More tragedy! Brent's(Joe/Nick) new wife Alyssa sustained terrible brain injury. Click for more info.
My son Ken(Joe/Steve) sustained terrible injury to his spinal cord on Sunday. Click for more info.
Steve(Joe), your webmaster, Didn't do so well in Italy, but we had fun. Videos.
Suzanne (Hailey's mom) has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Please pray for her and her family. Thanks. Char
Photos Belize (Joe/Barry/Brenda) and Matt wedding.
Finally! Rod's pictures of 2002
And 2004 reunions
Steve(Joe), your webmaster, won second place nationally in the pole vault Click for videos.
Belated tribute to Ric
Steve(Joe), your webmaster, is vaulting again. Click for video.
Debbie Rockwell -- Packer descendant
Photos of 2006 reunion and Ric's family.
Photos of our celebration of his life.
Merry Christmas from Freddie Mae
info from Don (Sam)
Dorothy(Joe) and Elden have begun to deteriorate. Letter from Dennis. 2006
Half-cancelled reunion 2006
Dorothy's (Joe) 90th birthday celebration was fantastic /A>
Lew (Mable) Roderick has made a near miraculous recovery.
Reunion 2006 has been cancelled because of Lew's condition.
Billy's in Iraq again Family Picture
You're all invited to celebrate Dorothy's (Joe) 90th birthday celebration
Rexburg, ID August 27 and 28,2006
Contact Dennis for details.
 Our family recently lost two loved members.
Hailey (Ric's youngest grand daughter) and Shirley (Mabel).
They will be sorely missed by us all. /img>
Mail from Freddie Mae (Mae)
Pictures of Jennifer (Max/Kevin) TroJahn's family |
Billy's in Iraq again Family Picture
 Tiger Cruise with Brent (Joe/Nick) on the USS Nimitz
Does anyone have information on the origin of "Warr" name?
Steve(Joe), your webmaster, got the bronze medal (again) pole
vault championship of the US August 4 2005 in Honolulu. I guess that makes me third rate.
Brent invited me to go on the Tiger Cruise too. I'm even more excited than Nick.
More photos of Scheryl (Max) and her family
Brent (Joe/Nick) is crew on the USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf
Nick will be joining him in October for a "Tiger" cruise from Hawaii to San Diego
Photos of Scheryl (Max) and her daughters
Hi - It is Scheryl Warr (Bonnie and Max's granddaughter)-- Just an update.
Steve(Joe), your webmaster, is competing for the pole vault championship of the US August 4 2005 in Honolulu.
Our Old Country cousin Rebecca writing from England.
Cousin Josh (Sam/Don) got married.
New Pictures of Ric's Grandkids.
Ric Warr Memorial Tribute and Party
Ric Warr passed away at 12:10 am January 29, 2005.
New reunion Pictures from Ric -- Reunion 2004.
Bill and Grandma Warr from Ric
Ric and Bill Warr from Ric
Update from Loretta, Sonny and Kay -- Reunion 2004.
 Nanaw and Papaw (Sam and Wanda's) 60th wedding Anniversary
 Nick and Pam were invited to speak at the US Embassy in Moscow, Russia by US Marine guards. Click to see pictures and his speech."
Cierra Ric's granddaughter is homecoming queen
Bronze medal (third place) in Eugene on August 8. Thanks for your support.
 I -- Steve(Joe) (your webmaster) will be competing for the World Championship in the pole vault in Puerto Rico on July 9. Wish me luck!!
 Ric's Youngest granddaughter Hailey. What a cutey!
 Nick on national TV -- "Everyone (American) should remember their right to protest and to speak freely is protected by our armed forces. They should honor their services."
 Uncle Don's service -- From Uncle Ric
The Lucky Lady II - First non-stop around the world flight
 Aunt Mae keeps them laughing! Give her a call. (1-877-586-8688)
I'm trying to gather info about Uncle Don's service.
I'm hearing he might have been involved with the atomic bombing on Japan at the
end of WWII. Let me
I'm trying to gather info about Uncle Don's service.
I'm hearing he might have been involved with the atomic bombing on Japan at the
end of WWII. Let me know.
Billy's in Kuwait
 Jennifer (Joe/Barry) Warr was married in Antigua October 22
 Alexis (Joe/Steve/Ken) is TWO! Click for the story.
 Brenda (Joe/Barry) and Shaun's baby due in 10-15 days... Stay tuned.
 Ken (Joe/Steve), Trish and Alexis are building a new home. Click for the story.
 Reunion 2002.. July 11-14, Gold Beach
Dan's (Joe/Steve) and Bobbie's new home is finished. Click for the story.
Brenda (Joe/Barry) and Shaun's Wedding page
 Dennis (Joe) and Marti's Wedding announcement
 Alexis Warr Joe's (Steve/Ken)Great Granddaughter is a year Old.
 Bonnie Warr (Max's wife) had a heart attack
She had quadruple bypass surgery Thursday 10/12/01. She is fine.
Email her at
 Marian Warr (Sherb's wife) passed away August 29, 2001.